2018-03-01 15:19:41 作者 / Admission Office 来源 / SFLSID


(Chinese Curriculum for International Students)


The International Division of Shanghai Foreign Language School (SFLS) Affiliated to Shanghai International Studies University is among the first international divisions approved by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. We introduce and absorb advanced educational ideas from abroad, integrate existing high-quality educational resources of SFLS, and insist on our distinctive way of incorporating “national spirit and international perspective” in curricula design.


1. 春秋两季入学能与国外大学学制(特别是日本及韩国国内大学)无缝对接。

3. 能为每年3、4月进行的中国国内大学入学考试留有充分准备时间。

Timing Advantages for College Application

1. Semesters are split into Spring and Fall so that students will have smooth transition to colleges (especially those in Japan and South Korea).

2. Students have sufficient time to prepare for Chinese-university entrance exams in March or April every year.



1. 世界认可的上海初高中基础课程,领先的上外附中多语种外语教学传统。

2. 丰富的汉语、英语课程体系,实行分层教学(开设精读、会话、阅读、写作、托福、HSK等课程)。

3. 日本及韩国高中“国语”课各年级全覆盖,保持与其国内同步母语水平。


5. 根据个人学习能力及要求,可申请进入我校国际部同步课程班、国际课程学习。

Curricula Features:

1.  World-widely recognized foundational  curricula of Shanghai junior and high schools, enhanced by leading multi-language teaching tradition of SFLS

2. Chinese and English teaching by different levels (offering courses such as intensive reading, speaking and listening, reading, writing, TOEFL, HSK, etc.)

3. Full coverage of Japanese and Korean curricula to keep up with the language proficiency level in students’ countries of origin

4. Highly-adaptive curricula aiming for: Chinese universities, Japanese/Korean universities, and European and American universities

5. Multiple curricula options such as Tongbu Class and International Curriculum to suit individual learning capability and requirements


1. 使用多套适合外国籍学生的汉语精读、HSK辅导、数学、英语、理科、民乐自编教材。

2. 英语课程中外教师全英语授课。

3. 听、说、读、写、演(表演)、译(翻译)、辩(辩论)七能并举的语言教学法。

4. 连接学习与活动、课内与课外、知识与实践的立体式教学方法。

Teaching Strengths:

1. Various self-designed teaching materials suitable for foreign students including Chinese intensive reading, HSK guidance, mathematics, English, science and Chinese folk music

2. Immersion English courses taught by Chinese and foreign teachers

3. Seven linguistic abilities developed simultaneously, i.e. listening, speaking, reading, writing, performing, translating and debating

4. Three-dimensional teaching method of connecting theory with activity, in-class with after-class, and knowledge with practice


1. 与我校中国本部的汉语母语学生多姿多彩的交流机会。

2. 参与我校二十多个国际姐妹学校来访团、汉语桥夏令营、模拟联合国的外事活动。

3. 高二年级赴英语类国家知名高中进行为期三周左右的英语研修(自费)。

4. 贯穿每学年活动有:运动会、小旅行、中/英文发表会、国际文化节、深层语言实践活动、万圣节、圣诞节晚会、毕业旅行。

Featured Activities:

1. Multiple interactive opportunities with students of our Local Division who are Chinese native speakers

2. Participation in activities of foreign affairs such as reception of visiting groups from over 20 international sister schools and summer camps of Chinese Bridge and Model UN

3. A three-week study abroad trip for Grade 11 students to a renowned senior high school of English speaking country (at students’ own expenses)

4. Events throughout academic year: sports meeting, cultural excursion, Chinese/English presentations, international cultural festival, in-depth language practice activities, Halloween, Christmas party and graduation trip


1. 提供住宿,每周7天,全天24小时生活教师管理。

2. 学校设有食堂,食材由上外大提供并保证安全。

Accommodation on Campus:

1. 7-day/24-hour dormitory supervisor service

2. Canteen operated by SISU